Wind Diesel Generator Starts Operation in Village of Peretychikha in Primorye



«A windmill, as it is usually called, helps to solve four tasks: uninterrupted supply of power supply, the reduction of their prime cost, “closing” the problem of fuel supply, improvement of environmental situation”, — the director general of Primteploenergo Alexander Patrin says.

Primteploenergo launched a wind diesel independent energy complex in the village of Peretychikha in the Terneyskiy district.

Before now the electrical energy in Peretychikha was provided from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. When the consumption of electricity dropped to minimum, the municipal power station was stopped to save the heat. Its delivery to the northern parts of the territory is very expensive. As a result, the power supply company does not always manage to “squeeze” into the tariff, it suffers losses. And the fact that the blades of the windmill are going to work for improving the ecological situation is obvious. From now on the necessity to burn fuel will decrease many times”, — the director general of Primteploenergo Alexander Patrin says.

The hight of the wind turbine considering the amplitude of the blades – about thirty meters. The complex is entirely computerized. The turbine operates on the principle of mutual reserving of wind energy and the energy of diesel generators. The Automation, depending on the power of wind and the consumer load defines itself, which source of electrical energy is more optimal to use at the moment. At the time of peak load, if the power of wind if not enough, the diesel generator switches on. When the load gets lower – the automation is switched to the wind mill.

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