Wind Energy to be Discussed at GREENEXPO

October 27 2011 will see the opening of the II International conference dedicated to wind energy projects. It will take place within the framework of the third international exhibition GREENEXPO in the exhibition center KyivExpoPlaza. In the course of the event there will be presentations of European experts in the field of wind energy as well as bankers and lawyers.

The conference will include discussions on the topics of legislation support for the wind energy industry on the part of the state, the quality of project preparation and other important factors without which the successful development of renewable energy in general and wind energy industry in particular is impossible.

At present Ukraine is one of the most attractive countries in Europe for developing the wind energy sector. This is considerably facilitated by the ‘green’ tariff law passed some years ago as well as by other legislation acts. But still there are several obstacles which slow down this sector development in Ukraine.

Such faults and hindrances will also be covered at the conference.

All the participants of the conference will obtain a large amount of printed information materials. You can register for the conference via the website


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