Work of Beloyarskaya NPP to be Inspected by International Expert Team from WANO

From August 31 to September 2012 the power plant is receiving a peer review from the World Association on Nuclear Organizations (WANO). There are 21 participants of the inspection from the USA, Germany, Ukraine, India, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Armenia and Russia.

They are top-ranked globally recognized specialists in the nuclear power industry. The total work experience of all the members of the expert team in the nuclear power sphere amounts to 530 years, some of them took part in 10 or even 15 peer review at other nuclear power plants of the world.

The task of the expert team of the international nuclear organization is the evaluation of the state of the Beloyarskaya NPP in 11 fields of its production activity including the quality and stability of operation and repairs of the equipment, the state of engineering support and radiation protection, the chemical equipment of the production, staff training, fire safety, emergency preparedness

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