Yakutskenergo Sets Up Solar Plant With Capacity of 20 Kw

Solar Plant

Solar Plant

OAO Sakhaenergo (a «subsidiary» of Yakutskenergo company, which is a part of PAP RAO ES of East) commissioned a solar power plant in the village of Yuchyugey in the Oymyakonskiy district of Yakutia, RAU ES of East reports.

The installed capacity of the new power plant, which produces
electrical energy together with the diesel power plant is 20 KW.
«According to the forecasts of the experts, due to the change in the position of the panel of the power plant in the season regimes «winter-summer», the production of the power plant is to rise by 40%» — the press-release of the company says. This is the second power plant, generating electricity from solar
energy, which is set up by the power engineers in Yakutia. The first one was installed a month ago in the village of Batamay of Kobyayskiy district.

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