ZiO-Podolsk from Atomenergomash Group Upgrades Heat-Treatment Machinery

OAO Machine-building plant ZiO-Podolsk (a member of the group of companies Atomenergomash) upgrades its heat-treatment machinery with the help of the engineers from the National University of Science and Technology «MISIS» (MISIS). The furnace modernization will take place in five stages, after its completion 2 reheat furnaces and 1 heat-treatment furnace are to be fully modernized. ZiO-Podolsk won a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation for equipping its manufacturing facilities with the new machinery. The modernization works are funded by this grant obtained in 2010 within the framework of the execution of the project on developing cooperation between the Russian higher educational institutions and industrial enterprises.

The first test startup of the lower gas-jets operation program in the first modernized reheat furnace located in the forging shop of the plant. Unlike the old-fashioned heating device the modernized furnace is equipped with three gas-jets. The two lower gas-burning devices are aimed at heating a standard party of forgings for hammer-work. The higher gas-jest is necessary for reburning oxygen. Such layout and capacity of gas-jets in the ungraded furnace will enable reducing the dross thickness during the heat treatment of stock material and cutting gas usage by over 30%. On the check out and start up stage the metallurgists of the plant will analyze the parameters of gas flow in the operation of two furnaces (the old one and the new one). As a result the efficiency of each device will be defined and the decision will be taken about the modernization of the next furnace serving for heating large-size details for press-forming. There is also a plan to equip this furnace with a manipulator which will raise the precision of stock material acquisition while transporting them from the furnace to the press.

According to the chief metallurgist of ZiO-Podolsk Yury Povelitsa, while testing the modernized furnace in operation they managed to raise the temperature of stock material heating to 1150˚C in three hours which proves the considerable time and gas economy in its operation.

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