Launch of Zheleznogorskaya TPP Scheduled for November 25

The launch of the new phase of Zheleznogorskaya thermal power plant situated in the Krasnoyarsk territory in the start and adjustment mode is to take place on November 25 2011. This information is contained in the release published by the press-service of the regional government.

According to the press-release, the decision on commissioning the first phase of the thermal power plant was made after the meeting in Zheleznogorsk with the participation of Sergei Kirienko, the head of the state corporation Rosatom, and Lev Kuznetsov, the head of the region.

According to the information of the governmental body, at present the second and the third thermal boilers of the plant are fully ready for operation, the heat produced during the pre-commissioning activities is to be released into the public utilities of the city.

The capacity of the first and the second boilers are not enough yet to provide with heat the whole of Zheleznogorsk, that’d why the oil-fired boiler house belonging to the federal unitary state enterprise Mining & Chemical Combine will continue its operation and only after the launch of the second phase of the thermal power plant in Zheleznogorsk it will be taken off into the emergence heat supply source mode.
It should be reminded that the construction of Zheleznogorskaya TPP began as far back as 2007 within the framework of the governmental agreement between Russia and the United States on the closedown of plutonium production in the active reactor ADE-2, which is also situated in Zheleznogorsk. It is the last plutonium producing facility in the world.

The new power plant will not only provide heating for the citizens of Zheleznogorsk but also replace the capacities of the nuclear chain reactor ADE-2. The construction of the thermal power plant financed by the American party is being carried out at the site of Krasnoyarskaya thermal power plant-4, which is the branch of the Yeniseyskaya Territorial Generating Company (TGC-13). The planned capacity of the TTP is to comprise 116 MW and 573 gigacalories per hour. The total cost of the construction of this large-scale power facility is about 450 million American dollars.

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