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No Poverty for Power Engineers!”; Russian Power Engineers Declare a Mass Strike

No Poverty for Power Engineers!”; Russian Power Engineers Declare a Mass Strike

Moscow is looking forward to a mass strike of electrical energy professionals: November 15 is a scheduled date for a mass-scale action “No Poverty for Power Engineers”, the participants of which intend to express their protest against the inadequately low salaries in the industry. All-Russian Electrical Energy Trade Union officially announced that at the press-conference. […]

Laureate of Global Energy Prize to be Announced in Moscow

Laureate of Global Energy Prize to be Announced in Moscow

April 20 2012 will be the day when the laureates of the Global Energy Prize are to be announces in Moscow. The Global Energy Prize is awarded for the exclusive contribution into the energy industry and into solving energy problems. The ceremony is to take place in the President’s Hall of the press-center RIS-Novosti (Moscow, […]

Russian Government Considers Continental Shelf Development Very Promising

Russian Government Considers Continental Shelf Development Very Promising

Russia’s developing the continental shelf may become the beginning of “a new high-technology industry of world class and scale” the prime-minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin said in the course of the meeting, which was held on Thursday 12.04.2012. Together with Putin the possibility of the shelf development was discussed by the vice prime-minister […]

Virtual Access to Supervised Area of Balakovskaya NPP Permitted

Virtual Access to Supervised Area of Balakovskaya NPP Permitted

According to the press-center of the Balakovskaya NPP (See Picture) on Monday April 9 2012 the Center for Public Information launched a website, the visitors of which can make a virtual tour around the nuclear power plant. The Balakovskaya nuclear power plant is geographically located in Saratov region, on the left bank of the Saratovskoe […]

Increase in Electricity Consumption in Novosibirsk Region in March 2012 Comprises 1417.1 Million KWh

Increase in Electricity Consumption in Novosibirsk Region in March 2012 Comprises 1417.1 Million KWh

The results of the statistical research show that in March 2012 the electricity consumption in Novosibirsk region grew by 1.2% compared to the consumption in March 2011 and comprised 1417.1 million KWh. The energy system of Novosibirsk region in March 2012 generated 1383.8 million KWh, which is by 2.1% more than the same parameter in […]

Electrical Grids of Nizhniy Novgorod to Acquire New Smart Sensor Panel Board

Electrical Grids of Nizhniy Novgorod to Acquire New Smart Sensor Panel Board

The branch of IDGC of Center and the Volga region is going to commission (firstly just in testing mode) a modern sensor panel board (See picture), which has been installed in the premises of the operative dispatching service of the Central electrical grids of the company. The new equipment will allow to considerably raise the […]

Federal Antimonopoly Service Accuses Mosenergo of Ungrounded Price Increased and Charges Fine of 2.768 Million Rubles

Federal Antimonopoly Service Accuses Mosenergo of Ungrounded Price Increased and Charges Fine of 2.768 Million Rubles

The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) charged the company Mosenergo a fine of 2.678 million rules for violating the antimonopoly legislation. FAS found the generating company guilty of violating the law “On Competition Protection” in the part of manipulating the cost of electrical energy on the wholesale market. The core of accusations imposed on the […]

FGC UES Limits Participation of Off-Shore Companies in Purchase Procedures

FGC UES Limits Participation of Off-Shore Companies in Purchase Procedures

The Board of Directors of the FGC UES took the decision according to which the participation of the contractors having to do with off-shore companies in the purchase procedures for the company’s needs will be limited. Within the framework of this decision, the press-service of FGC UES reports, the company will in the nearest future […]

Permskaya SDPP Starts Large-Scale Repair Campaign

Permskaya SDPP Starts Large-Scale Repair Campaign

The Permskaya State District Power Plant embarked on the large-scale repair campaign scheduled for 2012. All he three generating units are to be reconstructed and modernized.  The first generating unit to be repaired is generating unit #2. The power engineers will need about a month to repair the thermal and electrical equipment, and April will […]

First Meeting of Science and Engineering Board of IDGC of Volga’2012 Takes Place in Ulyanovsk

First Meeting of Science and Engineering Board of IDGC of Volga’2012 Takes Place in  Ulyanovsk

The first meeting of the Science and Engineering Board (SEB) of the IDGC of Volga in 2012 took place in the town of Ulyanovsk. This was reported by the press-service of the company. The leading experts and chief engineers of all the branches gathered to discuss the current issues of engineering policy of the IDGC […]

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