Liquefied Gas from Yamal to be Exported to America and Europe

An international conference entitled “Russian market of liquefied gases: new frontiers of development ” took place on Tuesday, December 6 in Moscow.

The event attracted the attention of the representatives of governmental bodies, the expert community as well as large companies dealing with gas processing.

Among the major issues raised at the conference are extension of the gas filling station network, economic and legislative aspects of the liquefied gases market development, stimulation of use and manufacturing of the liquefied gases at the domestic market and the reduction of raw material loss during production.
Besides, the participants discussed the possibilities of using foreign experience in the sphere of use and processing of liquefied natural gas.

Alexander Medvedev, the Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee at OAO Gazprom, pointed out that already by 2030 the Russian Federation is planning to occupy at least 14% of the global liquefied natural gas market.

The important part of the market development will consist in opening the liquefied gas production plant the construction of which is going on at Yamal at the moment. After this plant has been commissioned the liquefied natural gas will be delivered to the countries of the North America and Europe all year round.

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