Head of Gazprom to Get Another Job

The Chairman of Gazprom’s Management committee Alexey Miller was appointed the head of the board of directors of Rosgeology, the state holding which is now being formed. It is not reported when exactly Alexey Miller is to start executing his new duties.

The state holding Rosgeology is created with the means of merging the state owned assets in the sphere of new deposits prospecting and the investigations in this field. It is also planned that the holding creation is to increase the volume of investment into geology which his at present one of the least attractive business lines.

The complete block of shares of the new holding (100%) belongs to the Federal Agency for the Administration of State Property. By the end of this year Rosgeology is to develop its development strategy. It is planned to complete the reorganization of all the enterprises of this industry into one holding by 2014.
In spring 2001 Alexey Miller took a position of the head of Gazprom. As it was reported at the beginning of this year, it was possible for the head of Gazprom to quit his job due to the health problems, however in May the management committee of the company once again elected him the chairman for the next 5 years.

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