Putin: Russia Overcomes Crisis – At Least In Power Industry

Russia has overcome all the crisis developments in the sphere of power industry. This was declared by Vladimir Piton at the sitting of the governmental committee on power industry development.

“We ended up even with higher development indexes that in the Soviet Union. In the coming three years we are going to spend some 3 trillion rubles more on this purpose. For the period from 2012 to 2014 we are planning to invest 1 trillion rubles into grids development in the power industry, and 1.9 trillion rubles into the creation of the new generation sources”, — he noted.

“It is important for us to lay a solid power foundation of the country’s development, of our industrial development as a whole, of new lands our huge spaces reclamation, to provide for the reliable power basis for our housing and public utilities operation, for the objects of social infrastructure”, — the Prime-minister said. He added that the modernization of the power industry forms “a serious demand for science, engineering centers, for such linked industries as machine-building and construction”.

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