The first meeting of the Science and Engineering Board (SEB) of the IDGC of Volga in 2012 took place in the town of Ulyanovsk. This was reported by the press-service of the company. The leading experts and chief engineers of all the branches gathered to discuss the current issues of engineering policy of the IDGC of Volga. At preset one of the most important issues is the issues of energy efficiency and energy saving in distribution grids.
Among other questions brought up for discussion are the preparations for the spring flood and for the large-scale repairs, which would soon begin in the production department of the electric grid company.
Beside the employees of the IDGC of Volga, the meeting saw the participation of regional industrialists – the representatives of ZAO Energomash-Uralelectrotyazhmash, Co.Ltd. Togliatti Transformer, OJSC Electric Machine Building Works, OJSC “Alttrans” as well as the delegates of the foreign Hitachi Metals.
It should be reminded that the SEB meeting are held in the IDGC of Volga every quarter, starting from 2008.
Метки: IDGC of Volga, Russian energy industry news, Science and Engineering Board
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