Energy consumption in Sverdlovsk Region Drops by 2,5%

The energy consumption in Sverdlovsk region had been reduced by 2.5%. This was declared by the interim of the Regional Minister of Energy and Communal Facilities Nickolay Smirnov speaking about their experience in executing the regional program of energy saving and of raising energy efficiency in the Sverdlovsk region for 2010-2015, and about the goals for the period up to 2020 at the meeting of regional government. The information was publicized by the Department of informational policy of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

Positive changes are especially obvious in metallurgy. Smirnov pointed out that the mentioned program is of investment kind. Its main objective is to reduce by 2020 the energy consumption of the gross regional product of the Sverdlovsk region no less than by 40% against 2007.

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