Scientific and Technical Council of IDGC of Volga Opens in Penza

город Пенза, фотоThe scientific and technical council of OAO IDGC of Volga is taking place on June 6 and 7 in the premises of the hotel complex “Tchistye Prudy” in the city of Penza. The participants of the council are meteorologists of all the 7 branches of the company, as well as their colleagues from other distribution grid companies, the representatives of the research and design organizations and plants manufacturing electro technical and control & measurement equipment. Within the framework of the forum the participants are going to discuss a number of issues, united by a common topic – uniformity and precision of measurements. In the course of the two day event the participants will listen to about 30 reports dedicated to the development of metrology provision and the provision of the quality of electrical energy, the current developments in the legal norms of the federal legislation, management and quality control for electrical energy at the present stage.

Besides, the metrologists of IDGC of Volga are to exchange their experiences as to the metrology provision in the production departments of all the branches of the company and are to familiarize themselves with the latest samples of the modern control and measurement equipment.
The scientific and technical councils of OAO IDGC of Volga are held on regular basis. Their aim is to develop the methods of realizing a unified technical policy of the company, raising the stability of power grid complex as well as the efficiency and safety of equipment operation.

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