Krasnodar Electrical Grids Repair About 20 km of 0,4-110 kV Overhead Lines

The Abnormal weather conditions this summer did not affect the work schedule of JSC «Kubanenergo» — Krasnodar electrical grids. The repairs within the framework of the plan of the preparation for the autumn-winter period (PTD) 2012-2013 are being carried out in all districts of the city.
For the six months of the current year in distribution grids saw the work carried out at 25 transformer substations 10/0, 4 kV. In the supergrid 35-110 kV the power and instrument transformers were repaired, as well as surge arresters and surge suppressors, the systems of relay protection and automation, control and technology management, etc.

The comprehensive overhaul of the primary equipment has been made on the 35 kV substations «Staro-Myshastovskaya», «Lenin Farm,» 110 kV «Pochtovaya.»

Besides, the repairs included some 20 km of overhead power lines 0,4-110 kV, and 291 poles were replaced with new concrete. Particular attention is paid to the clearing overgrown trails in the forest corridors and cutting ‘dangerous’ trees, the fall of which is the most common cause of outages of overhead transmission lines. From the beginning of the year, 15.5 hectares of forest corridors for 35-110 kV transmission lines have been cleared.

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