Vologdaenergo to Replace Cable Power Lines in Kadnikov With Overhead Ones

Till the end of the year the branch of JSC IDGC of North-West Vologdaenergo is to implement an investment project on the reconstruction of the existing 10 kV cable lines in the town of Kadnikov in the Sokolsky District of Vologda Region, in the course of which the cable lines are to be replaced with the overhead lines using the self-supporting insulated wire.

The capital investment of the grid company will amount to 20 million.

The project presupposes the construction of a new power line with the installation of reinforced concrete piers and suspension the self-supporting insulated wire. The use of this type of wire is stipulated by the fact that it creates no danger of phase-to-ground fault, electricity theft with the use of «surges» is out of the question and SSIWs are not tangled by the wind or atmospheric instability and protected from moisture and corrosion.

According to the plan of the investment project the power engineers are to remodel cable lines with the total length of 14.097 km.

The reconstruction of the existing 10 kV cables lines in Kadnikov will improve the reliability and quality of electricity supply, reduce outages, and reduce the cost of operation and maintenance of equipment as well as transportation costs and commercial losses of electricity.

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