Federal Tariff Service of Russia Approves Long-Term Parameters of Tariff Regulation for Kubanenergo

On September 2012 the managing board of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS) of Russia approved the transition of OAO Kubanenergo to regulating the tariffs for electrical energy transmission services with the use of the returns on invested capital method (RAB).

This company has become the first one to undergo the “reloading” of the long-term parameters of the tariff regulation in compliance with the resolution of the government of the Russian Federation of 30.06.2012 # 663.

The transition of OAO Kubanenergo to RAB will enable executing the investment program, adopted by the order of the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation of 05.05.2012 # 229, as well as reaching the reliability and quality parameters set by the Regional energy committee – the department of prices and tariffs of the Krasnodar Territory.

The process of the agreement of the a number of power grid companies of the Holding transition to the RAB-regulation with FTS of Russia is to be completed at the beginning of October 2012

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