Alternative Energy Development in Ukraine Limited by Technical Possibilities of Energy System and High Net Cost of Green Kilowatts

“It will take some time for the technologies in alternative energy to reach the cost, which would allow it to be competitive compared to the heat generation”, the general director of DTEK Maksim Timchenko believes.

According to him, DTEK is striving the leadership not only in the traditional but also in the renewable energy industry.

“The environmental situation demands activities aimed at reducing the emissions by upgrading the existing and building the new clean generating units, which run on coal, as well as by means of including the generating assets of wind power projects into our portfolio”, — the head of DTEK says.
In this connection the general director of DTEK emphasized the importance of reforming the energy market in the country with the aim of creating the stimulate for reducing the net cost of the electrical energy production. “I do hope very much that the draft law, which has just been registered “On the basics of the electrical energy market functioning” will be passed”, — he continues.

DTEK completed the assembly of 19 wind turbines of the Botievskaya Wind Plant with the capacity of 3 Mw each. Another 11 wind turbines will be installed till the end of October 2012. The first “green” kilowatt/hours have already entered the grids of Zaporozhyeoblenergo.

“All the technical solutions, which have been used at this plant, are innovative, the most up-to-date in Europe”, the general director of DTEK says.

Till the end of 2013 the capacity of the Botievskaya WPP is to reach the designed 200 MW. It will annually produce on average 686 GWh of electrical energy, which is enough to provide power supply for about 960 thousand households. At the same time the annual reduction in the harmful emissions into the air will comprise the equivalent of 730 thousand tons of CO2.
The project is exercised by OOO Wind Power, which is a part of DTEK. The total volume of investment comprises 350 million euro. “During the construction of the Botievskaya WPP we invested 6.4 million uah into the infrastructure of the village of Botievo. 400 thousand out of this amount have already been spend – we have bought a school bus, and the children who live here could travel to school in this bus already this winter”, — the director of Wind Power Herman Ainbinder says.

The Botievskaya wind power plant is the first project of DTEK in the sphere of renewable energy. The company also carries out the construction of the Primorskaya and Berdyanskaya WPP. All the three wind power plants will be a part of the wind warm DTEK Priazovskiy in the Zaporozhye region with the total capacity of 550 MW, which is scheduled to be launched till 2015.

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