Показаны все новости по тегу ‘DTEK-Priazovskiy’

Return on Investment into Construction of Botievskaya Wind Power Plant to Comprise 6-7 Years

Return on Investment into Construction of Botievskaya Wind Power Plant to Comprise 6-7 Years

Botievskaya Wind Power Plant (OOO Wind Power, DTEK) was attended by the representatives of foreign and Ukrainian banks, export credit agencies and insurance companies. The investors gave a high estimate to the implementation of the project of the first phase of the largest wind power plant of Eastern Europe as well as familiarized themselves with […]

Alternative Energy Development in Ukraine Limited by Technical Possibilities of Energy System and High Net Cost of Green Kilowatts

Alternative Energy Development in Ukraine Limited by Technical Possibilities of Energy System and High Net Cost of Green Kilowatts

“It will take some time for the technologies in alternative energy to reach the cost, which would allow it to be competitive compared to the heat generation”, the general director of DTEK Maksim Timchenko believes. According to him, DTEK is striving the leadership not only in the traditional but also in the renewable energy industry. […]

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