Novovoronezhskaya Nuclear Power Plant to Host Training Activities

On August 25 on the Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant the General Directorate of the Emergency Ministry of the Russian Federation is to carry out a command post rehearsal with the representatives of governing organs by efforts of territory and functional elements of the RSChS (Russian System of Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations) of the Voronezh region. The management of the nuclear power plant has already published an official proclamation towards the citizens of Novovoronezhsk with the request to show understanding and stay calm because such trainings, exercise in actions for the protection of the power plant staff and the local people are an integral part of accident prevention at any nuclear power plant.

During the training the generating units of the Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant will function nominally – no intrusion into their operation is planned in the program of the training activities.

It is worth reminding that the third and the fourth generating units of the nuclear power plant are now functioning nominally, while the fifth is undergoing a scheduled repair. The radiation background in the territory of the nuclear power plant and its surroundings complies with the norms and does not exceed the natural level.

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