Equipment at Prizeyskaya Substation in Amur Region to Repair

The repair works are being executed by the specialists of MES East.

The branch of OAO FSK UES – the Main electrical grids of the East (MES East) has embarked on the capital repairs of the transformer at substation 220 kV Prizeyskaya in the Amur region. At the same time the capital repairs of the reactor 35 KV are going on at the substation. This will result in enhancing the reliability of the electricity supply for industrial enterprises and population centers in the northern territories of the Amur region including the stations of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). The capital repairs of the transformer will include oil degasification as well as drying out and cleaning the insulation. It will also presuppose the revision and replacement of the rubber packing, the bearing replacement in oil pumps and cooling fan engine replacement. After the test operation the transformer will be set into the service load. The works are scheduled to be completed in three weeks period.

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