About 15 Thousand People in Altai Left without Electricity Due to Accident at Power Transmission Line

The central area of Barnaul and 52 population centers with the total number residents over 15 thousand people were left without electricity due to the accident at the power transmission line caused by the abrupt wind, the website of the Emergency Ministry of the region reports.

As the governmental agency reports, the disconnection occurred in 52 population centers in the nine regions of the territory with the total population of about 15 thousand people. The rewsidents of Talmenskiy, Zalesovskiy, Tselinniy, Zarinskiy, Sovetskiy, PAnkrushikhinskiy, Soloneshenskiy, Mamontovskiy districts and Tsentral district of Barnaul were left without electricity.

“The socially important objects are whenever necessary are switched to the reserve and autonomous power sources, the population centers are promptly re-connected to the grid via the reserve power lines. The field service teams of the distribution zones and the services of production enterprises lines are promptly reacting to the signals of transmission line disconnections. At present 18 teams with the total number of 49 people and 17 vehicles are engaged into recovery works”, — the press-release says.

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