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2 НПЗ в Венесуэле не функционировали из-за блэкаута

2 НПЗ в Венесуэле не функционировали из-за блэкаута

По сообщению газеты «Известия», 2 завода, которые входят в самый крупный в Боливарианской Республике нефтеперерабатывающий комплекс в Парагуана, приостановили свое функционирование вследствие очередного блэкаута. Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы «Amuay» и «Cardon» остались без электроэнергии из-за отключения электричества в Венесуэле. Издание отмечает, что комментариев от нефтегазовой госкомпании Венесуэлы PDVSA, владеющей комплексом в Парагуана, пока не поступало. Местный новостной […]

В посольской зоне венесуэльского Каракаса случился blackout

В посольской зоне венесуэльского Каракаса случился blackout

Как сообщил корреспондент РИА Новости с места событий, отключение электроснабжения случилось в субботний вечер в муниципалитете Чакао на востоке столицы Венесуэлы, в которой находятся несколько иностранных дипломатических представительств. В разных частях Чакао расположены дипломатические миссии Японии, Бельгии, Испании, Бразилии, Швейцарии, ФРГ, Аргентины, Перу и иных стран. До последнего времени Чакао оставался одной из немногих зон […]

Black-Out in Sheremetyevo Airport

Black-Out in Sheremetyevo Airport

A power outage occurred today, on September 12 2012 at 8:50 Moscow time at the international airport of Sheremetyevo. It was connected with the voltage surge at one of the transformer substations of the Northern Power Grids Company (the branch of OAO MOESK). The Sheremetyevo Airport was promptly switched to the emergency power sources. This […]

Hurricane De-energizes About 500 Population Centers in Novgorod region

Hurricane De-energizes About 500 Population Centers in Novgorod region

Evening of August 7 saw the thunderhead over the territory of the Novgorod region, accompanied by strong gusts of wind and heavy rainfall. In some areas of the region power supply to consumers of the branch of IDGC of North-West «Novgorodenergo was interrupted.» Already within an hour the engineers were able to connect more than […]

About 12 Thousand People inVoronezh Region Left Without Electricity Due to Thunderstorm

About 12 Thousand People inVoronezh Region Left Without Electricity Due to Thunderstorm

The residents of 20 villages in Voronezh region are left without electricity after the thunderstorm on Saturday night. The engineers of Voronezhenergo promised to eliminate the consequences of the accident during the day, the representative of the enterprise reports. “196 transformer substations were disconnected during the thunderstorm on Saturday night”, — the interlocutor said. According […]

Strong Wind and Rain Cause Outage in 426 Population Centers of Ukraine

Strong Wind and Rain Cause Outage in 426 Population Centers of Ukraine

Over 420 population centers of Ukraine remained without electricity in the night of Sunday due to the strong wind and rain, the Emergency Ministry of Ukraine reports. In particular, in Chernigov region 176 population centers were blacked-out, in Sumy region – 92, in Kiev region – 43, in Ivano-Frankivsk region – 41, in Volyn region […]

About 15 Thousand People in Altai Left without Electricity Due to Accident at Power Transmission Line

About 15 Thousand People in Altai Left without Electricity Due to Accident at Power Transmission Line

The central area of Barnaul and 52 population centers with the total number residents over 15 thousand people were left without electricity due to the accident at the power transmission line caused by the abrupt wind, the website of the Emergency Ministry of the region reports. As the governmental agency reports, the disconnection occurred in […]

Power engineers in Nizhniy Novgorod Region Mitigate Effect of Accident Caused by Bad Weather

Power engineers in Nizhniy Novgorod Region Mitigate Effect of Accident Caused by Bad Weather

The power engineers fully mitigated any effect of the accident in the Nizhniy Novgorod region which was caused by the power line break due to the strong wind, the regional office of the Emergencies Ministry reports. According to earlier reports , about 1.5 thousand people who live in the six districts of the Nizhniy Novgorod […]

Accident at Argunskaya TPP Leaves Over 150 Thousand People of Chechnya Without Electricity

Accident at Argunskaya TPP Leaves Over 150 Thousand People of Chechnya Without Electricity

Over 150 thousand people were left without electricity in the piedmont and mountainous areas of the Chechnya as a result of the accident at the thermal power plant, the official representative of the regional office of the Emergencies Ministry Timur Taisumov declares. “The electricity cut occurred at 15.35 Moscow time as a result of the […]

Power Engineers Cannot Guarantee St Petersburg Faluire-Free Winter

Power Engineers Cannot Guarantee St Petersburg Faluire-Free Winter

The management of the power grids of the North-West does not guarantee that the winter in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region will pass without any accidents. According to the head of the Leningrad enterprise MES North-West Taras Dzyuba it is impossible to predict emergency situation although for their part MES are 100% ready for […]

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