«Astrakhanenergo» Installs New Transformer at Substation «Volodarovka»

«Astrakhanenergo» is installing a new 16 MVA transformer at the substation 110/35/10 kV «Volodarovka» in the Volodarsky district of Astrakhan region. Testing and commissioning of the new equipment is scheduled for September 2012.

After the launch of a new transformer the total capacity of the substation will increase from 22.3 to 32 MVA.

The replacement of the old transformer with the new one with the voltage of 110/35/10 kV and the capacity of 16 MVA is performed within the framework of a complex reconstruction of the substation «Volodarovka» 110/35/10 as a part of the investment program of the company. Reconstruction of the power facility began in the first half of 2012.

According to the technical project together with the replacement of the power transformer to the oil circuit breakers have been replaced with vacuum one of 10 kV, and current transformers of various modifications have also been replaced. Currently, the engineers perform the installation of relay protection and automation. After that they will proceed to test the new equipment.

The end of the reconstruction of the substation is scheduled for September 2012. The new equipment will enable the connection of new consumers, will significantly enhance power supply to consumers of one of the agricultural areas of the Astrakhan region during the autumn and winter period of 2012/2013.

A new transformer has a modern control system of the voltage level that allows its automatic control. In contrast to the old, worn-out one, a new auto-transformer has feeds from the solid insulation. Compared with oil-filled ones, the feeds with solid insulation are more reliable and fireproof.

The substation 110/35/10 kV «Volodarovka» was put into operation in 1968, it provides electricity transmission for five other substations of the district.

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