Astrakhanenergo to Reconstruct Distribution Grids in Yenotaevsky District

The reconstruction of the distribution grids in the Yenotaevsky district of the Astrakhan region is being carried out within the framework of the investment program of OAO Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South – Astrakhanenergo confirmed in the business-plan of the company for 2011. The plan presupposes the reconstruction of about 29 km of 0.4 kV overhead power transmission lines, 2 km of 10 kV overhead power transmission lines and 8 10/0,4 kV transformer substations. The objects of reconstruction are located at the territory of the district center – the village of Yenotaevka. About 56 million rubles is to be spent on this purpose.

In the course of the reconstruction the power engineers of Astrakhanenergo are implementing the latest innovative developments of the Russian and foreign electrical machinery producing companies. The upgraded electrical machinery will help solve the problems with the power supply of the district center and its vicinities: it will reduce the number of power cuts, give the technical possibility for connecting extra objects to electrical grids.

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