Atomenerogprom Placed Shares for 69.08 Billion Rubles

ОАО Atomic Energy Power Corporation (Atomenergoprom) completed placing additional shares with the total amount of 300 billion rubles, which had been started in February by placing 23% shares with the cost of 69.08 billion rubles, this is stated in the published materials of the company.

According to the company’s published documentation, the number of the placed shares is 69.08 million shares with the nominal value of 1 thousand rubles – 23.026% of the total number of the issued securities.
The shares placement was completed on September 20, and the report on the additional shares emission was registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) on October 20.

At the end of February FFMS registered the additional emission of Atomenergoprom shares placed by private subscription for the amount of 300 billion rubles. The additional emission was allocated a state registration number 1-01-55319-Е-004D.

Atomenergoprom intends to spend the funds obtained in the course of the emission on its subsidiaries’ investment programs.

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