Aviation Fuel Goes Up Almost by 10% over 1 Week in Amur Region

Aviation fuel went up by almost 10% over the last week in the Amur region, this is the biggest rise in the aviation fuel price for the last three years, the representative of the Amur office of the Federal antimonopoly service Nadezhda Golovina said on Tuesday.

The weekly monitoring of the aviation fuel prices and the cost of fueling an aircraft carried out by the Amur office of the FAS of Russia showed that the price for one tone of aviation kerosene went up from 5.96% to 9.9% against the previous week.

“At present the aviation fuel price is within the limits of 27.73 thousand to 32.53 thousand rubles for a ton. The cost of fuelling an aircraft remained unchanged during the same period. It is yet hard for us to judge what caused such fuel price rise. First we do the price monitoring and only then look at the results and see if there is work for our commission”. – Golovina said.

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