Beloyarskaya NPP: 5 Practices Recommended for Foreign Nuclear Power Plants

Beloyarskaya NPP have accumulated rich experience in operating the unique progressive type of fast neutrons reactor units, which gives the opportunity to overcome the dead end of the “thermal” reactors – the limited natural deposits of uran-235.

“This technology is possible at the level of a state”, — says the ranking representative of the Moscow Center WANO, the Director General of the Khmelnitskaya NPP Nikolay Paschenko (Ukraine). – As a result of inspections at the Beloyarskaya NPP we saw that the equipment, the systems, the buildings and the constructions are maintained at the due level, the generating unit with the BN-600 reactor is reliable, the staff can operate this equipment on a quality level.

The results of the partner inspection at the Beloyarskaya nuclear power plants, which was carried out on the initiative of World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) from August 31 to September 15 2012, were summed up.
“The Beloyarskaya NPP in good hands, its operation is carried out at the highest level, it is reliable and safe”, the director of the Moscow Center WANO Mikhail Chudakov confirmed.
“In the course of the partner’s inspection, comparing our activities with the best global practices we defined the possibilities of introducing the improvements into 15 spheres. At the same time the practices existing at the Beloyarskaya NPP in 5 areas are recognized as the best and are recommended for applying at the foreign nuclear power plants”, — the chief engineer of the Beloyarskaya NPP Yury Nosov said.
21 experts in the USA, Germany, Ukraine, India, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Armenia and Russia took part in the inspection: all the high-ranking globally recognized nuclear power experts. They evaluated the state of the Beloyarskaya NPP in 11 spheres of production activity including the quality and safety of operating and maintenance of equipment, the state of engineering support a and radiation protection, chemical support of the production, staff training, fire safety and emergency readiness.

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