Beltransgas Fully Owned by Gazprom Since November 25

The Russian Gazprom became a sole proprietor of the Belorussian company Beltansgas starting from November 25. According to the mass-media, the corresponding agreement was signed on Friday in Moscow.
Answering the question of the agreements one might expect in the course of the president of the Russian Federation and the president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko’s negotiations on Friday, the head of Gazprom Alexey Miller said: “”There will be the agreement signing”. At the same time he did not answer the question whether Russia is going to cut down the price for the natural gas delivered to Belarus. “You will get to know everything tomorrow”, — he promised.

Earlier it was reported that the documents that are being prepared for signing with Belarus include the terms of Russian gas delivery and transportation via the territory of Belarus starting from 2012 as well as the terms of increasing Gazprom’s share in OAO Beltransgas from 50% to 100%.

In 2006 Beltransgas was evaluated at 5 billion American dollars. In May 2007 Gazprom and the State Committee for the Administration of State Property of Belarus signed a sales and purchase agreement of 50 % of shares. During 2007-2010 Gazprom bought 12.5% of ordinary registered shares of Beltransgas having paid 2.5 billion dollars for the transaction. Since March 3 2010 50% of Beltransgas shares is owned by Gazprom and the same amount is own by the state of Belarus.

In August 2011 the head of the RF government Vladimir Putin ordered the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and Gazprom to define the rate of the decreasing coefficient of the gas price for Belarus starting from 2012.

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