BioGazEnergostroy to Flood Post-Soviet Territories with Biogas Power Plants

The BioGasEnergoStroy corporation is planning to obtain the loan of 750 million euro which would be spent on the construction of bio gas power plants. The corporation intends to spread its activities all through the post-Soviet territories – around Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other CIS-countries as well as the Baltic states. At present Russia has only one operational power facility of this kind. The necessary loan can be granted by the German Landesbank Berlin AG. The organization intends to pay back a loan in 18 months.

The BioGasEnergoStroy corporation is a member of Gazenergostroy group. It is Biogasenergostroy that developed the project, carried out the construction works and put into operation the first bio gas power plant in Russia. This happened in 2009 in the Kaluga region. The power plant consists of the two commissioning and start-up complex and is still the only power facility in the Russian Federation which uses bio gas produced from agricultural waste. Nowadays the company is developing a number of bio power plants projects which are to be situated in the territory of the Russian Federation. The only obstacle to the plan has been the financial part of the project.

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