Capacity of Generating Set at Leningradskaya NPP Reduced by 500MW

On January 17 at 10:52 Moscow time the capacity of the generating set at the Leningradskaya power plant was reduced by 500 MW due to a preliminary request.

In compliance with the permission obtained in advance the turbogenerator #3 was disconnected from the network.

The officially disclosed reason for that is the fault in the leakiness of the pipe system at the heat exchange unit of the turbogenerator. After the failure is removed the turbogenerator# 3 will be connected to the network.

There have been no registered safety violations.

At present the generating units 1,3 and 4 are operating at the capacity set by the dispatch schedule.
The radiation background at the power plant and the adjacent territory is at the level compliant with the normal operation of generating units and does not exceed natural background level.

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