Chelyabenergo Сonducts Major Overhaul of Grids in Mauk Village

The ownerless grids  (built in 1956) of the village Mauke in the Kaslinskiy district of Chelyabinsk region were transferred into the ownership of the branch The ownerless grids  (built in 1956) of the village Mauke in the Kaslinskiy district of Chelyabinsk region were transferred into the ownership of the branch IDGC of Urals — Chelyabenergo in 2008.
At the time of the acceptance the energy equipment had a high percentage of wear and, as a result, the residents of the village were subject to constant power outages.

To ensure the reliable power supply for the residents of the village  and to increase the voltage in the grid, the Kaslinsky distribution zone of Chelyabenergo dismantled 34 old outdated wooden poles, installed  new wooden ones, impregnated according to the modern technologies with concrete consoles and replaced the wire.
Upgrading the grid infrastructure has allowed to provide uninterrupted power supply for the village of Mauk, kindergartens, schools, social facilities, to improve the quality of power supply of population center. — Chelyabenergo in 2008.
At the time of the acceptance the energy equipment had a high percentage of wear and, as a result, the residents of the village were subject to constant power outages.

To ensure the reliable power supply for the residents of the village  and to increase the voltage in the grid, the Kaslinsky distribution zone of Chelyabenergo dismantled 34 old outdated wooden poles, installed  new wooden ones, impregnated according to the modern technologies with concrete consoles and replaced the wire.
Upgrading the grid infrastructure has allowed to provide uninterrupted power supply for the village of Mauk, kindergartens, schools, social facilities, to improve the quality of power supply of population center.

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