Coal Production in Russia Rose by 3.7% in January-October

The production of coal in Russia in the period from January to October 2011 comprised 271.735 million tons which is by 3.68% more than the level of the last year. This is stated in the published materials of the Central Control Administration of the Fuel and Energy Complex.
Since the beginning of the year the total amount of Russian coal delivery has risen by 2% and reached 249.47 million tons including the export one, which has risen by 8.36% and reached 88.113 million tons.
The export to the non-CIS countries for the reporting period comprised 81.919 thousand tons (10% rise), the export to CIS-countries – 6.19 million tons (8.47% fall).
In the total amount of exported coal the coal of rank K comprised 7.836 million tons (fall by 2.13 million tons). This includes 2.74 million tons exported to CIS-countries (fall by 585 thousand tons), and 5. 097 tons to non-CIS countries (fall by 1.544 million tons). The total amount of the coal exported to the Asian-Pacific Region countries comprised 10. 065 million tons (rise by 1.364 million tons) including 1.738 million tons of the coal of rank K (fall by 271.11 thousand tons).
The coal production volumes since the beginning of the year:
ОАО SUEK — 74,334 million tons, rise by 5,985 million tons;
Holding Company «SBU-Coal»– 17,567 million tons, rise by 2,86 million tons;
“Kuzbassresugol ” – 38,21 million tons, fall by 2.5 million tons;
Southern Kuzbass Coal Company – 11.441 million tona, fall by 207.5 thousand tons;
VostSibUgol – 12.715 million tons, rise by 846.6 million tons;
Yuzhkuzbassugol – 7.809 million tons, fall by 1.65 million tons;
Yakutugol – 6,281 million tons, fall by 1,365 million tons;
OAO Raspadskaya – 6,106 million tons, fall by 1,156 million tons.

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