Construction Cost of Dzhubginskaya CHP-Plant in Sochi to Comprise up to 8.4 Billion Rubles

The cost of the Dzhubginskaya combined heat power plant construction which is to be executed by the Group of Companies Quartz in Sochi will comprise up to 8.43 billion rubles, this follows from the documentation of JSC WGC-3 (full name — Third Generation Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market), the to which the CHP-plant belongs.

The corresponding decision was taken be the shareholders of the WGC at the extraordinary meeting on September 27.

The construction of the Dzhubginskaya combined heat power plant with the capacity of 180 MW was scheduled in the governmental program of the Olympic venues construction. Putting the CHP in operation is scheduled for October 2013.

The construction of the combined heat power plant started on August 15, the works are scheduled to have been completed by mid-August 2013.

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