Construction of Cable Line 110 KW Ice Palace – Vremennaya in Sochi

MES of South completed the construction of the cable line 110 KW Ice Palace – Vremennaya, with the total length of 2.5 km in the Imeretinstaya lowland. The power transmission lie is scheduled for commission in summer 2012.

In the course of the construction works the home-produced cable with the insulation made of cross-linked polyethylene was used, which makes the line secure, environmentally friendly and safe in operation. The line is protected from the external influences by the reinforced concrete slabs. To reduce the cable heat rate the vacant space in the trench was filled with sand.

Commissioning of the new line will enable stable electricity supply of the Olympic objects under construction – the Ice Sports Palace for figure skating and short-track competitions, the central stadium, the roofed ice skating center, the ice rink for curling as well as the objects of the Olympic park.

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