Construction of Geothermal Power Plant Discussed at Baikal

The staff of the Irkutsk Technical University (ITU) put forward a suggestion of building geothermal power plant in the eastern part of the Lake Baikal. The main purpose of the plant is to provide the largest health resort Goryachinsk with heat energy.
The total cost of the project is estimated at 14 million rubles. At present the negotiations are being carried out with the Novosibirsk OJSC Energy, which expressed the interest in building a power plant in the resort.
It should be mentioned that the Goryachinsk deposit of hot waters, the temperature of which is about 55° C, is situated right under the resort, n the depth of 20 meters. This means that this site is an ideal option for the geothermal power plant construction. According to the data obtained u the ITU scientists the thermal capacity of the deposit is about 98-100 MW with possibilities for its raising if water deposits increase.
At present Goryachinsk has a functioning boiler house running on coal. The annual volumes of pollution in this situation comprise 1.8 thousand tons of ash waste and over 60 tons of gas dusk emissions. According to the project information the cost of geothermal energy will be twice as low as the cost of running the existing coal-burning boiler house.

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