Control Headquarters on construction and Operation of Olympic Power Facilities Has Meeting in Sochi

Novostienergetiki. Ru reports that the meeting of the FGC UES control headquarters on the construction and operation of power facilities, aimed at providing the energy supply for the Winter Opympics-2014 took place in Sochi. Among the participants of the meeting there were the deputies of the Chairman of the Managing Board of the FGC UES: Sergei Sergeev, Andrei Cherezov, and Dmitriy Gurevich, the heads of the main departments and directorates of the FGC UES, the head of MEG South Fedor Dyakov and the head of the Sochi enterprise of the Main Electrical Grids Vladimir Golubnichiy, as well as the representatives of the Center for Engineering and Construction Management of the UES and contracting agencies.
The head of the FGC UES Oleg Budargin thanked the staff for their excellent performance in the organization of power facilities operation during the test competitions in winter Olympic sports this year: in the course of competitions the electricity consumers in the FGC UES grids have never been disconnected from electricity.
The agenda of the meeting included the discussion on the ways of realizing the programs of power facilities construction. A special attention was dedicated to the power facilities, which are to be energized in the current 2012 year, in particular this concerns introducing the additional 490 MVA of transformer capacity in the Olympic region after commissioning the newly-built substation 110 KW Izumrudnaya, Vremennaya, Sportivnaya, Veseloe and after carrying out the complex upgrade of the substation 220 KW Psou and Poselkovaya.
FGC UES will also complete the construction of the cable power transmission lines 110 KW in the Imereti lowland, the power transmission line 220 KW for Dzhubginskaya CHP, the distribution grid 10 KW at the ski resort Roza Khutor (located in Krasnaya Polyana).
In their turn the representatives of the Center for Engineering and Construction Management of the UES participating in the meeting promised to complete the works according to the schedule and in due time.
In the course of the meeting as report, the decision has been taken on creating the Committee for the control over the execution of the construction, operation and safety of the FGC UES power facilities in the Sochi region at the final stage of the preparation to the Winter Olympics-2014. The Committee is supposed to coordinate the deadlines of the construction of power facilities, theirs timely commissioning as well as the organization of the method of operation and safety provision for the Olympic power facilities of OAO FGC UES.

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