Emergency Restoration Works in Kama Region Continue 24/7

IDGC of Urals

IDGC of Urals

The staff of the branch of OAO IDGC of Urals – Permenergo resumed power supply for over 125 thousand consumers.

The emergency restoration works in the Kama region continue 24/7. At the end of the day on July 18 they engaged 507 staff members of OAO IDGC of Urals — Permenergo in 156 teams as well as 151 custom vehicles.

As of 7 o’clock local time July 19, the number of consumers left without electricity was reduced to 75 thousand people. The active restoration works are going on at present in Vereschaginskioy, Ocherskiy, Okhanskiy, Sivinskiy, Chyastinskiy, Cherdynskiy, Kosinskiy and a number of other districts of the Perm Territory.

The emergency operations center, specially created by Permenergo for eliminating the consequences of bad weather, is keeping on its operation.

It should be reminded that on July 18 as a result of the hurricane wind and strong thunderstorms the substations and power lines in the Perm Territory were severely damaged.

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