On September 19 the first commission of the Energy Ministry starts its work in Norilsk with the aim of assessing the readiness of the power facilities belonging to OAO Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company.
The commission of the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation carried out the inspection of the readiness of the following electrical energy facilities and enterprises: the objects generating electrical energy with the total installed capacity of 400 MVa and more; the managing organizations of the Federal Grid Company and other owners managing the FGC facilities; the electrical energy subjects, which own the objects of power grid complex, the total transformer capacity of which comprises 150 MVa and more; OAO SO UES as well as the subjects of electrical energy industry, which simultaneously carry out the activities on production and transfer of electrical energy and on the operation and dispatch management within the technologically isolated energy systems.
The inspection of the readiness of other subjects of the electrical energy industry towards the heating season is in the competency of the regional executive authorities.
In the course of their work the commissions are to inspect the state of the equipment, the execution of the maintenance and investment programs by the power companies, the readiness of the emergency reserve of the equipment and materials, the compliance of the fuel reserves with the norms adopted by the legislation etc. Such assessment enables the stable power supply for the consumers during the autumn-winter period. All in all 74 power companies are to be inspected within the framework of the control activities initiated by the energy Ministry of the Russian Federation. As a result of the inspection the commission will take a decision in relation to each company on issuing the certificates of readiness towards the autumn-winter period.
It should be reminded that in 2012 the Minenergo of Russia introduced a number of changes into the order of readiness inspection. A special attention is paid to the issue of fuel supply fot thermal power plants. In order not to allow emergency situations the Regulation on the inspection of readiness of the subjects of electrical energy industry for operation in the autumn-winter period was supplemented with the condition of the each power plant having a contract on fuel delivery for the whole autumn-winter period and having the long-term agreements on the delivery of reserve (emergency) fuel types. The list of administrative influence measures, which would allow to raise the reliability of operation at the autumn-winter period, also includes the responsibility of the management of power plants for not complying with the approved regulations concerning the fuel deposits.
The commissions of Minenergo are to work until November 15 2012.
Метки: electricity, inspection, Minenergo, МОЭСК
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