Experimental Biofuel Boiler House to be Commissioned in Novosibirsk Region

According to the press-service of the government of Novosibirsk region, a pilot launch of the first boiler of a new experimental boiler house which would run on bio fuel.

The press-release says that the test was successful which is confirmed by the head of the Regional Department of Natural Resources and Environmental protection Yuriy Marchenko.

Mr Marchenko pointed out that the launch of the boiler gave the possibility to assess the potential of using the boiler with the set parameters in operation. He also said that at present the main preparation works and activities aimed at commissioning the boiler are being completed.

Biofuel boiler house is designated for providing with heat both social objects and dwelling houses of the village of Vengerovo, the area of which is about 13 thousand square meters.

The representatives of the regional government are sure that the launch of the boiler house will enable using more environmentally clean and cheap local types of bio fuel (forest waste, wood chip, wood processing waste) for heating which would raise the energy efficiency of fuel and energy supply of Vengerovskiy district. It is forecasted that 5.5 thousand tons of bio fuel will be used annually.

As a result of launching this object according to the experts’ preliminary estimate the volume of the hazardous emissions into the atmosphere will be reduced by 100 tons a month, which means that the environmental situation in the area will improve.

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