Federal Tariff Service: Residential Tariffs for Electricity to Rise by 15% in 2013

The Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation reports that the threshold tariffs for electricity for the residents of Russia will not be changed in the first half of 2013, and in the second half of the year the tariffs will be raised at least by twelve per cent. On average, in 2013 it is planned to raise the electricity tariffs for residents by 15% compared to the average tariffs in 2012.

In the course of the meeting, which took place on October 9 2012 the managing board of the Federal Tariff Service set the threshold level of the taridds for the electrical energy, which is to be supplied to the people in 2013. The press-release of FTS says that the calculation of the maximum level of the tariff was carried out considering the equalization of the indicative cost of the electrical energy and power capacity in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time the price rise for electrical energy and power at the wholesale market of electricity and electrical capacity was indexed.

They have also taken into account the possible changes in the methodology of calculating sales premiums of the last resort suppliers and the reduction of the cross-subsidization volume in the state grid complex.

The electricity tariffs for the residents of the Russian Federation are compiled in accordance with the plan of economic and social development of the country for 2013 and wit the forecast for the energy industry for 2014 and 2015.

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