Hydroelectric generating set-7 of Novosibirskaya Hydro Power Plant Starts Operation after Capital Overhaul

OAO RusHydro commissioned the seventh hydroelectric generating set of the Novosibirskaya hydro power plant after the capital overhaul, the hydro-generating company reports.

As the press-release says that the overhaul of the hydroelectric set was made within the framework of the program of preparation towards the spring flood, which was started at the Novosibirskaya hydro power plant in September. In the middle of September after the scheduled repairs the third hydroelectric set was commissioned.

“From September to December JSC Sayano-Shushenskiy Gidroenergoremont carried out the metal reduction of the runner chamber at the hydroelectric generating set and the winding rewedging. The fifth hydroelectric generating set  is planned to undergo the scheduled repairs starting from December 10”, — the press-release says.

The company is also planning to carry out scheduled repairs of the second and the sixth hydroelectric generating sets of the Novosibirskaya HPP by April 15.

The Novosibirskaya hydro power plant built on the River Ob in the middle of the last century provides the energy for about fifth of the Novosibirskaya region. The power capacity of the plant enables producing 2 billion KWh of electrical energy annually. The power plant is a part of JSC RusHydro.

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