IDGC of Center to Build New Substation in Yaroslavl

Panoramic shot of Yaroslavl

The substation 110/10/6 kV Novoselki is to provide electrical power for the new district of the Yaroslavl industrial park Novoselki and the residential sector of the Frunzenskiy district of Yaroslavl, as well as to create the necessary reserve of power capacity for connecting new consumers

Apart from the construction of the substation itself with all the utilities, this investment project includes the reconstruction of the overhead power line 110 kV Yaroslavl-Nerekhta.

The new substation is to comply with all the modern requirements as to the safety and quality of electrical power distribution. The main type of equipment at Novoselki is two transformers 110/10 kV with the capacity of 40 MVA each. Compared to the transformers of the previous generation this equipment has less no load losses and as a consequences – higher efficiency. The transformers have the inner insulation of hard type high voltage bushing and the automatic ration regulation at the microprocessor control units. Besides, the up-to-date gas-insulated modules 110 kV are to be installed at the substation. All this equipment will make the work of the power grid facility more reliable and raise the quality of power for end consumers.

The industrial park Novoselki occupies the territory of over 400 ha. This project is being created with the support of the government of Yaroslavl region with the aim of attracting big investors into the region, Several large enterprises have already been constructed there including the “daughter” of the Japanese concern Komatsu, which produces excavators, and the plant of the Luxemburg-based company Astron for manufacturing easily-assembled metal structures.

In the nearest future the Center of Information Processing of OAO Vympelkom, which is to grow into one of the largest Russian technical centers of this company, will become one of the residents of the industrial park. Among the main consumers of the future substation is the educational centre providing pharmacologists training for such pharmaceutical giants as Nycomed, which is also building is enterprise at the territory of the industrial park.

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