Inter RAO Creates Company for Energy Equipment Export

OAO UES started a 100% subsidiary — OOO Inter RAO – Export, this follows from the energy statement of the energy holding.

As the press-service of Inter RAO explains, the new company will deal with energy equipment export. The representatives of the company refused to specify which equipment is meant, pointing out that the presentation of Inter RAO – Export is to take place in approximately two weeks.

OAO Inter RAO UES is a diversified energy holding which operates in different segments of electrical energy industry of Russia AND ABROAD. It is a Russian leading company in the spheres of electricity export/import, and it is also building up its presence in the power generation and power supply segments as well as developing new business directions. The Inter RAO UES strategy is aimed at creating a global energy company – one of the key players at the global energy market. The installed capacity of the power plants which are a part of and managed by the Inter RAO UES Group is about 29 000 mWt.

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