Komienergo Invests 174 Million Rubles Into Grid Development Since Beginning of Year

The branch of IDGC of North-West Komienergo sums up the results of the investment program for the 1st quarter of 2012. For the 3 months the branch invested 174 million rubles into the development of the power grid complex of the republic against the planned 25.3 million rubles.

Over 25 million rubles have been spend on capital investments into the planned facilities of the branch. Another 148 million rubles have been invested into the grid connection agreements. Most of this funds were spent on connecting the power facilities of Yamalgazinvest Company to the grid.

36 million rubles in the first quarter were spent on the capital funds within the investment program and grid connections. The newly commissioned facilities comprised about 2 MVA and 20 km of power transmission lines.

Altogether Komienergo is planning to allocate 1 billion 131 million rubles for its investment program in 2012.

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