Krasnoyarsk: AI-92 Petrol Climbes by 2 Rubles in One Day 92

On Thursday a number of petrol filling stations in Krasnoyarsk raised prices for AI-92 petrol by 2 rubles to 27 rubles per one liter.

The new prices appeared at the petrol stations of Magnat-RD and Foruna-Plus networks in the afternoon. Besides, the price of AI-98 petrol has climbed to 29 rubles 50 kopecks. The companies themselves refused to comment on the increase in petrol prices.

The representative of the regional government says that they are aware of a price surge in the petrol stations network adding that the company Krasnoyarsknefteproduct which belongs to the region and owns the biggest petrol station network in the Territory, does not intend to raise petrol prices.

There have been no comments on the part of the regional department of the Federal antimonopoly service so far.

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