Kuzbass Energy Distributing Company Live on Air

The experts of Kuzbass Energy Distributing Company which is a part of SDS-Energo Holding were speaking about the specific nature of their work with clients live on the television.

Electricity consumers are a special category of clients with which the company has developed friendly relationship. Every year Kuzbass Energy Distributing Company pleases its subscribers with special offers aimed at raising the payment culture.

For instance to be able to take part and win in the “In the best light” special offer a customer has only to pay the electricity bills in due time. Twice a year the participants of the offer have the possibility to win gift certificates to an appliance shop, express pay-cards for electricity payments, a laptop and the capital prize – a big plasma TV. Already now there are over 200 winners of the offer.
On the threshold if the holiday season days in village houses within the framework of the “Sunny Hours” Kuzbass Energy Distributing Company gives a gift of small packs of flower and vegetable seeds to everyone who pays for electricity in the mobile offices of the company.

Every year the schoolchildren of 5-7 grades of comprehensive educational institutions take part in the classes dedicated to energy saving and payment culture, in which the experts of the KEDC tell them about the basic ways of saving electricity and the civil duty of paying for the communal utilities in due time.

During the live TV-broadcast the experts of  Kuzbass Energy Distributing Company advised on how to choose a metering device, how to calculate the consumed amount of electricity correctly and how to conclude the agreement on electricity provision. They have also spoken on the services and offers provided by the company.

OOO Kuzbass Energy Distributing Company is the participant of the II All-Russian contest “Best Energy Distributing Company of Russia-2011”.

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