Large-scale Upgrade of Electrical Grids Takes Place in Ashkhabad

Since the beginning of this year the capacity of 12 city transformer substations rose by means of additional equipment. Also, the assembly works at some transformer substations 10/0.4 KW have been carried out.
So far the works have been completed on the base of the substation in the 11th neighborhood unit, which is estimated for 35/6 kilovolt, where a new transformer was installed.
To improve the power supply for the residents of Parakhat district the additional cables lines were laid. The power supply in the population centers of the northern part of the capital city – Shor and Garadamak, where the transmission grid with the voltage of 6-10 KW was fully renovated, the electrical substation with the capacity of 110 KW was reconstructed, the main base of which runs on the modern equipment manufactured by the French company Schneider Electric.

The upgrade of electrical grids in the residential districts of the capital city of Turkmenistan is being carried out by the engineers on the production enterprise Ashgabatenergo and he specialized department Sutun of the concern Turkmenenergogurshulyk.

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