Lenenergo Assigns Capacity for Children’s Psychiatry Center

Rehabilitation Treatment Center "Children Psychiatry"

OAO Lenenergo assigned additional capacity for the Center of rehabilitation treatment “Mnukhin’s Children Psychiatry”. Here a new building for 220 beds will be opened, the rooms for doctors and class-rooms for children will be equipped.

The source of power supply is the Petrogradskaya substation. The designed capacity is 1315 kva.

With the aim of assigning an additional capacity for the Children’s Psychiatry Center the experts of OAO Lenenergo built a new package transformer substations with the two transformers of the total capacity of 1600 kva. In the construction the up-to-date wire with the cross linked polyethylene insulation.

The total area of the new four-storied building is 11 063 square meters, it is designed for 220 beds. It will have the rehabilitation, crisis and physiotherapy department, clinical and diagnostic laboratory, a special room for family visits will be equipped. The third floor will be totally assigned for children’s school education.

“The Center of rehabilitation treatment “Mnukhin’s Children Psychiatry” provides psychiatric and psychological assistance to the children, teenagers and their parents in St.Petersburg. The clinic is located in the park zone on the Aptekarskiy Island. Some of the buildings are recognized as cultural heritage objects of regional importance “Imperial Nikolayevskaya Children’s Hospital”.

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