MEG South to Increase Repair Program by 7% in 2012

The branch of OAO FGC UES — Main Electrical Grids (MEG) of South is going to invest 793 million rubles into the execution of its repair program in 2012, which is by 7% more against the previous year. The timely execution of repair works will provide the conditions for the stable power supply of the consumers of the 11 constituents of the Russian Federation in the southern region with the total population of 19 million inhabitants.

In the course of the repair campaign of MEG of South 379 transmission tower footings, 21 pieces of transformer equipment, 160 switchers, 714 disconnecting devices are to be repaired, 12 933 damaged isolators, 23 lead wires are to be replaces, 140 transmission towers are to be replaces. Besides, it is planned to clear away 1633 ha of line routes, to cut 723 trees threatening to fall down.

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