The engineers of Magadanenergo are implementing into every-day use an innovative electricity metering system. The company employees have already installed seven thousand six hundred automatic systems for commercial accounting of power consumption (ASCAPC).
OAO Magadanenergo which is a subdivision of Magadanenergosbyt deals with installing innovative automatic systems for commercial accounting of power consumption at enterprises, organizations, residential houses and socially important objects of Kolyma. With the help of ASCAPC the power engineers of the region mat trace the number of the consumed kilowatts without engaging special inspectors into the process of electricity metering.
The automatic systems for commercial accounting of power consumption are used by the utility service companies all over the world and are being actively introduced by energy resources suppliers. This ‘know-how’ represents the most advanced achievements of the electric power industry.
«The automatic systems for commercial accounting of power consumption compare favorably with their outdated equivalents due to their highest reliability rate. The innovation system will enable raising the energy efficiency of the used resources considerably, spending electrical energy rationally, all the financial and accounting relations between the consumer and the electricity provider will be computerized. Both the consumers and the suppliers of electrical energy are interested in that. Now the consumers which had the ASCAPC installed have no necessity to submit monthly metering record to the local power supply office. The power supply staff will trace the meter record themselves and the consumer will only receive a bill with all the calculations done. The consumers will only have to control the monthly power consumption and pay the bills in due time”, — the deputy chief engineer of Magadanenergosbyt subdivision – OAO Magadanenerogo — Vitaliy Karimov emphasized.
Метки: electricity, electricity metering, Magadanenergo, Magadanenergosbyt
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